You are now able to create cards from within Slack! Just go to your account settings and look for
the Slack Tab. There you’ll be able to connect Codecks with your Slack account. Now every team
member can “Sign in to Slack” via their Codecks profile page to associate their Slack user account
with their Codecks user account. This way they are able to type /addcard [title of card]
in Slack to add a card to their hand.
Moreover you’ll receive notifications about cards being created, started or marked as done. New comments to a card and milestone creations/changes also result in slack messages to a channel of your choice. You can refine which notificaitons you want to receive and disble certain projects from within your Codecks account settings.
Bugfix release:
PS: we’re working on an exciting feature right now that should be ready for release later this week!
You are now able to duplicate a single or multiple cards at once.
Here’s how: you select the mini card(s) via the bulk-selection feature. (Note that we’ve added a select all
button once you start selecting cards - making it a lot easier to duplicate e.g. whole decks)
In the selection bar you’ll now find the duplicate card button. Here you’ll be able to select the properties which you want to copy and the location to which you’d like to copy the new cards to (in place or to a target deck).
We’re happy to announce our first set of integrations. Our first batch includes support for Github, Bitbucket and GitLab, allowing you to manage your cards from the command line.
As an admin you can set up your integrations from within you account settings (cog icon on your dashboard). Look for the Source Control Management integration tab.
Once you’ve connected your repository to one of your projects, you can start reviews, mark cards as done or simply reference cards from within a commit message.
These are rather short release-notes since we’re releasing mostly internal changes. Here’s a full list of things that could be relevant to you:
You can now visually distinguish project tags from personal tags.
In project settings, you can now assign a colour to a project tag. Should you do that, any card with that project tag assigned will display a small dot of the appropriate color. This allows you to visualy see if a card has a specific project tag without having to look at the detail view.
It’s handy for situations when e.g. you order cards by priority and then see at a glance whether or not cards are tagged as you would expect them to be.
Since you’ve got cards in your hand and decks, it just makes a lot of sense to drag them around the surface they’re on!
With this release you’re able to drag cards across swimlanes to change the property you’re ordering by. So if you’re ordering by, say, priority you’ll be able to change your card’s priority by dragging them to a different priority lane. This also works for effort, most statuses, tags, owner, milestones and decks.
We also introduce a drop panel that appears to the right when you start dragging a card. This allows you to quickly access swimlanes that are not currently present on screen.
Quick fix: consistent validation for adding and editing project tags. .
is now a valid a tag constituent.
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