
  • fixed bug which prevented dismissing some notifications
  • adding cofirmation messages when moving cards away from their current context
  • Cards in decks can now be ordered by changes. This will give you a more detailed overview of which changes hide behind your undismissed notifications. If you click on a deck notification (the one that contains changes for several cards), this “order by” option will be temporarily enable until all changes are dismissed.
  • Projects can now be archived or deleted.
  • People that got invited to one of your accounts now receive clearer instructions for what their “name” is useful for.
  • preparations for daily digest mails (i.e. right now they are only sent to Manu and Daniel so we can tweak them)
  • groundwork for much more granularity for your settings. Soon you’ll be able to set account-wide settings, overwrite those for specific projects and even set user-sepecific ones (like e.g. color blind mode).

Milestones for cards

This is quite a big one!

  • Single cards now can have a milestone. Set them via the card’s side panel, bulk selection action or drag them into a deck with a milestone
  • Decks still can be associated with a milestones. This will automatically assign the deck’s milestone to all cards within this deck (and all cards created in or moved into this deck)
  • Milestone inspector: when clicking on a milestone in the calendar, a milestone inspector will open showing all cards associated with this milestone
  • added “order by milestone” option as well as expanded search to include milestones

New release versioning system.

Major version, minor version and patch version didn’t make too much sense in this context. So let’s just go with a Major version (0 = closed beta, 1 = post closed beta) and a minor version incrementing for each new release.

Quality of life features

  • power to the tags! The # symbol in the action strip now allows you to select cards by tag.
  • we’ve rethought the workflow area on the card detail view. Featuring less wasted space and less clicks. Also being less explicit about naming the card’s current status. Let’s see how this works out in practise!
  • quick move your cards into another deck. Just hit the “Move” button at the top of a card detail view

Order your decks via drag’n’drop

  • Before: first show subscribed decks, then sort the rest alphabetically
  • After: DIY ordering! Move decks around the way you like it. This order is specific to you, i.e. everyone in your team can create their own order.
  • Shortcuts! You can see which one are available by either clicking the bottom left button or hitting ? on your keyboard. (Hint: most shortcuts are currently available when inspecting a card)
  • using nicely styled confirm boxes when deleting cards or decks
  • those sticky boxes that stay where they are when scrolling should be much more robust. (Thank you Mr. MutationObserver)
  • deleting milestones now mean they are deleted everywhere

Quickfix: make sure tutorial items can be checked. (i.e our extended markdown syntax now supports checkboxes in numbered list via 1. [] do this first)

Getting ready for the CLOSED BETA!

  • fixed some search issues
  • cleaned up the dashboard
  • using the same hamburger-based navigation everywhere, now with a joystick icon

Polishing time

  • beautiful decks
  • you can now drag all cards into the deck tab to (re-) assign it to a deck
  • improved menu (the one opened via the hamburger icon). This one should hopefully be more usable!
  • Much more polished project settings screen. Split up into two sub-categories. More to come!
  • and lot’s more

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