
Notification improvements

New logic for conversation notifications:

  • once you write a comment the notification bubble disappears
  • all conversation notifications are now dismissable!
  • once all notifications are dismissed by everyone, even though the conversation was not closed, it enters a snoozing state.
  • after 36 hours of snoozing, all participants receive a notification to do something about this conversation

Group “watch notifications” by deck:

  • Once you receive more than one notification for a deck you’re subscribed to, they will be grouped in one convenient notification bubble, to allow for a quick overview and easy dismissal.

Bulk selection

Here comes mouse click killer number 1! Select single cards or even whole swimlanes or even multiple cards in multiple rows! (hint: try and use shift!). Modify them! All at once! Wow.

New navigation layout

Spacy! We felt the new approach reveals our navigation logic a whole lot better. Plus having a header helped a lot in creating a more game-like HUD feeling. Let us know how you like it!

Minor fixes

  • Milestones now can have arbirary long titles. Down with the 4 character limit!
  • searching by status now returns the correct results
  • when creating new cards or editing existing ones, the textarea now looks much more like a textarea
  • and actually quite a lot more of small fixes found via user tests from last week


Submitting a comment should work properly again


Party hat time!

This is the first iteration on offering a first set of pretty graphs and metrics to help you understand the state of your project.

You can access metrics from the sidebar from either your hand, the deck library or the deck inspector. The resulting metrics will be scoped to its context and can be filtered down even more by using the search.

Each chart features a question mark which should be a good start for helping you to understand what messages could be extracted!

Minor Fixes

Minor things

  • saner dismiss mechanism for notifications
  • adding back “add cards to hand” button for search

Search Integration

rather than putting search on a separate screen, the search panel is now located within it’s context.

  • to trigger the search, click on the corresponding icon in the top right, or hit the / button
  • you close the search panel by hitting esc or clicking the close button (hint: you won’t lose your search results when closing the panel.)

Minor Fixes

  • Access control picker for managing guest access now also shows up on Firefox
  • Show a loader before app is fully loaded
  • Subtle fixes for the swimlane headers
  • Junk food time! To open the menu from within a project, you’ll find a hamburger icon instead of our logo. This should be a much better fit to match people’s expectations. This is not to say we’re done with our navigation. It’s still something we feel can be much improved, so stay tuned!
  • New drop-zones for moving cards from the hand to a deck or moving cards from a deck to the hand. Now with much less confusing overlaps!

Introducing guest access

  • when inviting new users you can assign them to one of these roles: admin, staff and guest.
  • admins and staff have access to all the projects whereas guests can only see and work with the projects you explicitely gave them access to.
  • these roles and project access settings can be changed anytime by admins via the manage users section from the home page

Minor fixes

  • cards won’t snooze if comments were made recently
  • fixed glitchy interface for adding people to a new conversations via the + button


We’ve made some important changes to notifications, one of which may force you to unlearn a bad pattern we had introduced…:

  • clicking on the round icon to dismiss the notification was a weird interaction. The icon tends to be the place where the mouse first goes and the most likely intent is to open the card, rather than dismissing the notification. So we swapped the click zones: clicking on the icon opens the card, clicking on the info text dismisses it
  • new type of notification: we’ll now let you know if a conversations started on a card you are observing. (before you only got a notification if you were added as participant in the conversation, now you’ll always get a notification!)
  • conversation notifications always show the beginning of the latest comment. This should help you remembering what’s going on, without having to open the card.
  • more graceful animation for when you get rid of all notifications within one category
  • blocked state is now denoted via a ! symbol, reviews via ?. This is more consistent with the icons we use in our workflow, and it feels really nice to be able to easily differentiate them when they are sitting in the queue.
  • clicking on a converation sends you straight to the relevant conversation or history entry
  • clicking on card id results in copying card’s URL to clipboard (rather than just the id)
  • pasting full card URL into another card’s content results in displaying the short form
  • hovering over such a reference opens a preview, clicking it sends you to the card (you can use the browser back button to get back to the original card)
  • adding basic autocomplete for cards when typing $<something> into card content

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