
Codecks Release 2.79

Redesigned Text Editor

In our quest to enhance your writing experience, we’ve completely rewritten our text editor. This allows us to bring you a bouquet of new features.

Showing text editor in action

Our smarter completions for lists or block quotes will save you time, and the ability to indent with tab / shift + tab makes structuring your thoughts a lot easier. The new monospaced font offers more clarity in recognizing indentation levels, too. We’ve also added slash commands (type /) and a floating action bar, to make our editor and markdown features more discoverable.

Release 2.78

Can never get the card editor size perfect on your screen? Regular mode is too small, wide mode too wide? Now you can freely resize the card editor!

We have spent the last weeks completely revamping our whole text editor. The resizable window is just a first glimpse at the new capabilities that we’ll be sharing very soon cough focus mode cough.

Here are all the changes for this release:

Flexible Wide Mode

Flexible wide mode in action

You can now drag the container for an opened a card (or journey step) to your preferred width. 🤯 This width is remembered on your browser, so you can use different settings if you use Codecks across multiple computers with different displays.

Release 2.77 - Off the Charts

Milestone Overview

The calendar has gotten a big extension! It now offers an “Overview” button which allows you to inspect and compare high level stats over all your milestones.

Milestone Overview

You can reach the calendar via the expand icon at the top right of the timeline within the Milestones tab.

The overview offers to either use card count or effort as your metric. You’ll find the distribution of completed vs uncompleted work across priorities and owners.

This will be a big assistance in making milestones more comparable and thus more plannable.

Release v2.76

Hold onto your hats folks! We’re back from GDC and we bring you some exciting changes to Codecks!

Import CSV

CSV Importer

We’ve made it easier than ever to jump onboard with our new CSV import functionality. Say goodbye to the headaches of switching between project management tools, because now you can import your projects straight from any tool that supports CSV exporting. You may of course also access our existing Trello and HacknPlan import tools.

And there’s more! Re-import a CSV that is based on an export of your Codecks cards, to update the data of these cards in place. This could be used to perform complex updates using spreadsheets.

Release v2.75

Happy new year, dear Codecks users! We’re excited to see the games and projects you’ll be releasing in 2023. To help you with that, we have a biiig update ready for you to use.

Organize cards with Zones


When you have a lot of cards inside a milestone or deck, it can be hard to maintain a clear overview, even with the various sorting options that are already available. In this release, we’re adding “Zones”: they are custom card groups that you can add when you’re in the “Manual” sorting order. Zones are shared across the whole team.

No more Ghosting

Default Inbox Decks

Every user can now set a default inbox deck: when creating a new card from the Hand or Milestones tab, this deck will be automatically pre-selected. You can pick your default inbox deck in the the top bar of an opened deck. Hovering over the button will also show you who else is currently using this deck as default inbox.

default inbox button

You might use this to default your cards towards a specific work deck that you tend to work in (e.g. the “Code” deck if you’re a programmer). Or you might use it to default your new cards towards a project inbox from where they are then moved into fitting decks.

The Doc is in

Doc Cards

A lot of us are using Codecks to not only track tasks, but also game design documents and other reference material. With $-links and backlinks you can already build pretty complex wiki structures. To support this use case even more, we’re adding a new card type: Doc Cards.

Turn any card into a doc by clicking the new Doc icon on the bottom right side of an opened card (or use the bulk action bar to convert multiple cards in one step). A Doc Card is like a regular card but does not have workflow states, priority, or effort. This means no more accidentally setting document content to done and archiving it.

Permission to Manage

As your team grows, you will need finer user access control options. This release features a big extension of user role management.

New Permission System

  • Staff users access can now be limited to specific projects. The old Guest role has been removed as Staff covers the same functionality now.
  • Staff users can be promoted to a new Producer role for specific projects. Producers may manage decks, milestones, project users and integrations. Think of this as a project-specific admin role. Producers are available on the Pro plan and can be added in a new section of the project settings called “User Access”.
  • Admins can now choose to limit the Staff role from creating and manage decks, milestones and journeys.
  • Access for projects can be set as Full Team or Limited. The Limited setting is available on the Pro plan. All organizations created before this release have access to this setting as well.
  • A new Owner role was introduced. There may only be one Owner and only they are able to close an organization.

User Reporting (Beta)

Codecks Unity Plugin

This release introduces an easy way to get user feedback right from your game into Codecks! Thanks to automatic screenshots, savegame attachments and player text descriptions you can easily gather all the data that you need to fix those bugs or to analyze gameplay situations. Your players can optionally even leave their email and will automatically be notified by Codecks when you fix their issue.

For Unity games we’ve provided a ready-made asset which you can find on GitHub. It is also going to be available in the Unity Asset store as soon as the verification process is completed.

The Bigger, the Better

This month’s update includes various improvements that we’re sure you will all appreciate.

We’ll be back in a few weeks with a big feature — a Unity integration!

Increased File and Storage Limits

Users on the Pro and Plus plans can now attach much bigger files to their cards: the file limit has been increased to 250MB (previously it was 25MB)

Additionally, the maximum file storage for Pro users has doubled to 10GB.

Search Function

We made some adjustments to make searching through cards more efficient. The default search is now for “Content” which includes both the card’s content and the title. If you want to search only by title (excluding the content) use t: as prefix.


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