
Open Decks: Allow your audience to get updates into their inbox

We’ve added a “Get notified of updates” section to the header of each Open Decks page. This allows anyone to sign up via either Discord or email and password to then select whether they want to be notified daily or weekly if interesting updates are happening.

The digest email will contain links to new cards as well as cards that have been started or marked as done.

This feature is available to all regular Codecks users as well without having to create an additional sign up. So feel free to check out the projects on to see whether there’s some interesting projects you’d like to get updates for!

Big shortcut overhaul

This release introduces a reworked shortcut system aimed to make keyboard-based navigation a lot more productive. Hit ? to see all shortcuts available on your current view.

Here’s some highlights:

  • ctrl/cmd+a to select all cards
  • b to select the card under the mouse cursor
  • e, p, etc opens the corresponding property for the card under the mouse cursor
  • Bulk selection actions now also all received shortcuts
  • Return to open the edit view on an opened card
  • Arrow Keys to navigate across the mini cards

More improvements and fixes

Visitor stats for your Open Decks

The Open Deck settings screen now contains charts and counts for your visitors to your project. We also show you the top referrers so you know how people are finding you. To keep track of your progress, we’ll be sending a weekly digest every Monday to give you a visitor overview of the passed week. Feel free to opt out in the Open Deck settings.

Discord Integration Updates

  • You’re now able to mark community suggestions with a reaction (e.g. 🚫). This will mark the underlying message as removed. I.e. this message won’t create a card when upvoted or if already upvoted beyond the threshold, it will auto-archive the card. It also prevent this message from showing up in leaderboards.
  • We overhauled the UI so it doesn’t get too overwhelming when you’ve connected multiple servers or set up a lot of commands.
  • added [CARDPUBLICURL] shortcode for better integration with Open Decks.

Open Decks Portal

We’ve released the first version of the Open Decks Portal! It’s a place that highlights the most active and popular projects. At the moment there are two categories: Staff picks which allows the Codecks team to promote noteworthy and inspirational projects (we’ll populate it soon!). The next category is the Most active open decks one. It’s based on project’s activity of the last 7 days and the card count. We’ll also add a Most popular section once we have the required data.

You can find it under this url:

Billing update

There are rumors that accountants have feelings too. So we dedicated some time, willing to put a smile on their faces.

  • We’ll now always generate an invoice when your billing cycle ends, even though your balance covers all of it.
  • In July Germany reduced their VAT from 19% to 16% and will go back to 19% in January 2021 (presumably). So if you topped up before July, you’ve basically paid too much VAT and we’ll add the difference to your balance. The opposite will happen should you top up now with VAT rates increasing in the future.

Go to Card or Deck

We expanded the search functionality. In addition to filtering, you can now jump directly to a deck or card by entering its name. For an even quicker way to get to your target, you can use the prefix gc: or gd: in the search bar to only show deck or card results. You can use gac: and gad: to go to any card or deck independent of your project visibility.

More improvements and fixes

  • Calendar: UX improvements as well boosting performance by only rendering months visible on the screen.
  • Deck selector: Add a toggle to allow picking from hidden projects.
  • Milestones: Allow to disable milestone feature in the organization settings.
  • Milestone picker: Cards without decks show milestones based on project selection.
  • Search: you may search for hero or sub card types by either entering hero or sub.
  • Discord Integration: Allow to pick more than one week day for posting leaderboards.
  • Source Control Integrations: Improved message formatting, allow to reference more than a single card in a commit message.
  • Swim lanes: Fix a crash when dropping a card into the “No milestone” swim lane.

Multi-project milestones

Rather than limiting you to pick between global milestones or assigning it to a single project, you can now pick as many or few projects you like. For larger teams that will make it a lot easier to focus only on tasks that are relevant to them.

You’re now also able to re-assign the projects (or make it global) after you’ve created a milestone.

More improvements and fixes

  • Text Formatting: Support for contents using right-to-left writing systems like Arabic.
  • File Uploads: Dropping files now should work more reliably.
  • Open Decks: All globe icons referencing the open deck feature are now clickable and open the resource in the open decks (or in case of the card header, it copies the public URL of this card)
  • Mission Control: The button that allows you to pick a single project now selects all projects if you click it again
  • Project Tags: Improved icon for color picker.
  • Conversations: Observers can now be selected as conversation participants again.
  • Discord Integration: Retry requests after being rate-limited. Don’t unarchive cards if they receive new upvotes.
  • File Uploads: Fix issue when uploading psd files.

Manual card order for decks & default orders

Within decks you’re now able to select a sort order called “Manual”. This allows you to drag cards around to give them an order that makes sense to you. This order is shared within your team and affects also open decks.

To make things easier for your team, you can also pick a default order option for a deck, be it the manual order, grouping by milestone or any other order option we’re offering. This allows you to guide both team members as well as visitors of open decks to see a deck in a way you’d prefer them to see it.

Open Decks

This release allows you to mark a project of yours as public. You can enter a path name and it’ll be visible for everyone under Go to your project settings to find the corresponding options. You have the option to hide comments for visitors. In any case, visitors will have read-only access only. The deck order for public projects is shared for all team members and can be modified by admins via drag and drop. We’ve been in touch with some of you already and are excited to present some real-life examples soon! We’re also planning to set up an open development portal under to allow people browsing Open Decks on Codecks.

Inline Images

You’re now able easily embed images into your card content:

  • While editing, copy and paste an image and it will be uploaded and shown in place. It’s also added as an attachment.
  • To reference an already uploaded attachment: while editing, hit !. You now can pick an attachment.

Note that this also works for comments. This will make it a lot more straight forward to communicate about visual aspects of your projects!


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