
Nest your cards with Hero Cards

This release allows you to nest cards within each other. You can pick any card(s) and add them to another. While the sub cards behave pretty much like normal cards, the containing card turns into a Hero card. It’ll offer you a quick overview of the state of its sub cards. Its effort and status is inferred by the data of the sub cards.

This feature allows you to neatly group cards together. Even though sub cards might live in different decks and milestones the hero card allows you to check a feature’s status at a glance.

We’ve added a free plan!

Big news everyone! Teams with up to 3 users and up to 5 projects can now use Codecks for free! If you’re meeting the requirements, we’ve just put you on the free plan automatically. Feel free to upgrade if you want to benefit from the Pro plan (same cost as the previous paid plan):

  • unlimited users
  • unlimited projects
  • 5GB storage per user (instead of 1 GB total storage of the free plan)

We’re also introducing an Enterprise plan which comes with unlimited file storage, tailored onboarding and self-hosting support. Get in touch via to learn more about it.

  • Notifications: fixed issue when declaring bankruptcy on too many notifications at once.
  • Deck milestone: when applying a milestone to a deck, it now correctly applies the milestone to all its cards.
  • Conversations: avoid auto-scrolling to the same conversation again and again after closing and opening the conversation in some situations.
  • Source control integrations: commit messages containing more than one line will be formatted correctly.

New deck creation flow

When creating (or updating) a deck, you no longer need to drag or find a cover image from your machine. You now can either pick one of our default deck images, or enter the url of an image.

New order property: Creation Date

Allows you to group swim lanes by the card’s creation date. We also made the swim lanes for “Last updated” a bit more helpful when cards have been updated in a long time.

Improvement & Fixes

  • Deck & owner history: is now based on the last decks/owner that you have assigned rather than the most frequent within the last 30 days. This suggestions are now also more reliably updated as you use the app.
  • File uploads: when hitting size restrictions for files you’re now informed before uploading it all, rather than after the fact. (fyi: the limits for a single file are 10 MB for cover images, and 25 MB for card attachments, we’ll add it to our documentation soon!)
  • Drag to hand tab: Now also works from search result overview.
  • Time Tracking: Sometimes the timer would seem to continue when stopping work on a card. This should now no longer happen.
  • Reordering Decks: Should now be much smoother!
  • Order by status: Done cards that are archived, now are part of the “done” column.
  • Notification Panel: Fixed a crash that caused a 💥 for some folks.
  • Search: Allow to inspect all available commands via an expand button.
  • Search: When searching within a deck, milestone or a deck, a button now allows to quickly perform the search in the full library.
  • Card history: Some design refinements after a long time without any updates
  • Archiving cards: Archiving a card now doesn’t automatically close it.


  • Drag and drop: rewrote our drag and drop library from scratch, to ensure more stable behavior.
  • Card content: Checkboxes (via - [] label) now should work more reliably.
  • User tags: guests now can delete user tags again (via their profile page).
  • Safari: A lot of design issues have been fixed.
  • …and a lot more

Reworked image thumbnail service

Images are everywhere on Codecks. This ranges from deck covers and avatars to attached images on cards. So far we relied on a third-party service to create on-the-fly thumbnails of both static and animated images. This version however introduces a solution provided and hosted by ourselves. Not only do we consider this beneficial for privacy reasons but this also means that there’s one less external dependency should we at some point offer a self-hosted version of Codecks.

Hotfix: Allow to delete decks which contain archived or deleted cards again.

Discord integration improvements

  • Even if you set the reaction threshold for creating cards to 0, Decky will add a specified reaction. For commands without a configured reaction, it’ll default to the reaction.
  • Allow leaderboards for commands with a threshold of 0.
  • Spread leaderboards over several messages if it grows too large for a single message. (If you’ve missed Decky posting a leaderboard, that issue was probably the reason why.)
  • When creating a leaderboard, Decky checks whether any changes have happened compared to the last leaderboard. If that wasn’t the case it’ll still repost that leaderboard if someone else has posted in the channel in the meantime.

Search update

Our internal search system has been completely rewritten. It doesn’t look too different from the outside but comes with quite a few benefits for you:

  • Performance: Instead of loading all relevant cards into the browser and performing the search on your machine, the filtering now happens directly in the database, leading to much less data that needs to be exchanged.
  • Completeness: Includes all cards in search even when the current scope contains more than 3000 cards.
  • Card references: When searching for cards when typing $[card title] in the editor, it’ll search for all cards not just a subset of 3000 cards.
  • Search: When entering multiple values of the same category, i.e. multiple owners, it now performs an ‘or’ search rather than and ‘and’ search within that category.
  • Search: Include search options for No owner, No milestone, No deck and No project
  • Swim lanes: Clicking on a swim lane label will add a search filter for the lane, so you can drill down further

Here’s some presents from us for some merry holidays:

  • Animations: Reworked the underlying animation engine to prevent stuttering animations.
  • Archived Cards: Non-done cards that got archived get a dedicated color so they’re easier to differentiate from their non-archived counterparts.
  • Attachment Viewer: Now includes the title of the images.
  • Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket Integration: You can now mark multiple cards as fixed by including e.g. Fixed $123, $124, $125 as part of your commit message.
  • User Management: An updated look and improvements for bigger user lists.

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Codecks GmbH — 2025
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