
  • Content Editor: Fixed infinite-loop issue when opening suggestions panel via @, # or $, sometimes leading browsers to crash 💥.
  • GitHub Integration: Some users weren’t able to set up the GitHub integration, this should now be fixed.
  • Deck Selector: Decks are now grouped by project.
  • Card Content: Card references within a card are proper links now, so you can e.g. cmd-click them to open cards in a new browser tab.
  • Card Content Editor: When opening the content editor, it’s always auto-focussed. No matter if it contains content or not.
  • Conversations: Adding back an opted-out person by mentioning them works again.
  • Discord Integration: Fix double posting of leaderboards under some circumstances.
  • [BETA] Card Creation: Allows you to pick a deck when creating a card in your hand or a milestone. When creating a card in a deck, you may choose whether to also add this card to your hand. Currently only for beta-testers. Should be out for everyone in a few days.

Archived Card Improvements

  • For milestone reviews it’s often useful to also display archived cards. For easy access, we moved the “include archived cards” button from the search dropdown to the left of the search field. For consistency’s sake we also applied it to the deck inspector.
  • The setting for the “include archived cards” button within the Milestones section is remembered as reviews tend to involve jumping around decks and other milestones and it seems preferable to keep the option active
  • Archived cards are displayed differently, revealing their state a card was in, once it has been archived. This makes it a lot easier to differentiate between “done” archived cards and “not done” archived cards.

More Discord improvements

  • Don’t post leaderboards if nothing has changed compared to the last one.
  • Instead of mentioning the author of a leaderboard entry, the leaderboards links to the original message, making it a lot easier to add an reaction.
  • Don’t consider all reactions as valid reactions. (For now we only consider the reaction configured in the settings)
  • Fix card-history issue when people have been upvoting.
  • Add link to original Discord message within card content when card was created by reaching a reaction threshold.

Some Discord Integration Improvements

  • Multi Server support: you can now add more than one Discord Server to your Codecks organization in case your communities are spread across several servers.
  • Smaller Fixes: Card Creation Commands now work with @everyone role, Leaderboard doesn’t show Cards that are done.

Discord Integration - Beta Release

Oooh, we are very excited about this one! We’ll release some more concrete information soon on our home page. I can share that much already, however: it’s gonna be awesome for both, managing your team and your community on Discord!

Bug fixes

  • Milestone default swimlane order is not saved on a per-milestone basis anymore. I.e. if you order by “owner” in one milestone, this will be the default order for all milestones.
  • Fixed card count in search overlay within the “Decks” Tab.

Fix metric graphs

Both, the metrics performance optimizations in May, as well as the project refactoring for the 2.0 release introduced some issues that made a lot of graphs unusable. This release fixes those.

Improvements & Fixes

  • Global milestones and searches in the Decks tab are now only showing cards of the projects you’ve selected in the mission control.

  • The activity feed now also includes deck creations and movements from project to another.

  • You can dismiss a conversation notification via a button below the conversation itself.

  • Mark a seen release as actually seen. (Also some minor improvements on the release page itself like pagination).

  • Calendar moved from the Decks tab to the Milestones tab. (Check the “Expand” Icon at the top right.)

  • Fixed search being unresponsive sometimes when typing more than two characters.

  • Comments weren’t reliably updated in real-time. This should now be fixed.

  • Fixed issue when closing or reopening conversations.

  • Fixed pasting card urls into a card’s content. It’s now correctly pasted as a $reference.

  • You now can open cards in the conversations overview page again.

  • Conversation notification mails sometimes displayed comments in a wrong order. Also fixed.

Several Fixes

  • Fixed removing cards from your hand.
  • Clicking on notifications from hidden projects now also works in the deck view.
  • Fixed some more exceptions.

Mastering Multiple Projects in Parallel

So much has been improved in this release! To give a you good overview we created a blog post outlining the most important changes.

For you convienience, here’s a quick summary:

  • Don’t treat projects as silos. Instead, allow to select and deselect the project you’d like to work on via the new Mission Control.
  • Deck-less cards now are also project-less and are now fully private to the creator of the card.
  • Activity Feed can now be found as a button next to the deck library, deck inspector and milestone inspector. You may now also view the full activity history.
  • The Mission Control now contains all non-project specific links as well as an overview and warning for your account status
  • you can now order and search cards by their project
  • Lots of UI Changes, like e.g. a new design for the tabs.
  • Personal tags moved from Project settings to your profile
  • Reminders and hints went to different locations (most notably the “new release” announcement is now much less intrusive)
  • lots of performance improvements
  • Source Control Integrations like e.g. Github don’t require to specify a project anymore. Referencing cards now works across all projects.
  • Warn if you’re about to discard cards from your hand that are not in any deck
  • You can now use search within the conversation panel

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