We’ve made some important changes to notifications, one of which may force you to unlearn a bad pattern we had introduced…:
- clicking on the round icon to dismiss the notification was a weird interaction. The icon tends to be the place where the mouse first goes and the most likely intent is to open the card, rather than dismissing the notification. So we swapped the click zones: clicking on the icon opens the card, clicking on the info text dismisses it
- new type of notification: we’ll now let you know if a conversations started on a card you are observing. (before you only got a notification if you were added as participant in the conversation, now you’ll always get a notification!)
- conversation notifications always show the beginning of the latest comment. This should help you remembering what’s going on, without having to open the card.
- more graceful animation for when you get rid of all notifications within one category
- blocked state is now denoted via a
symbol, reviews via ?
. This is more consistent with the icons we use in our workflow, and it feels really nice to be able to easily differentiate them when they are sitting in the queue.
- clicking on a converation sends you straight to the relevant conversation or history entry
Smaller fixes
- allow horizontal scrolling if necessary, especially useful for small screens
- save cards/card content changes via ctrl/cmd+enter
- cancel edit mode of a card is now much easier (clicking outside the edit window/hitting esc)
- when attempting to edit the contents of the cards, you don’t have to aim that carefully anymore: now clicking most of the white area leads you to editing the card. Also the cursor is now placed at the end of the clicked paragraph.
One more thing
- authentication to our discussion board got much simpler. Once you’re logged in to codecks, you’ll be able to use the board without having to create an additional account.