Notification queue
- If one of the categories (e.g. cards you own) is empty, it will disappear. Out of sight, out of mind, and inbox zero achieved!
- Tweaked styling of categories to make it more obvious how they are grouped, and better distinguish a category from an actual notification
- Card title moved to top of notification message
- Improved utility of comment / review / blocked notifications: you can now e.g. distinguish who made the last comment(s), as well as how old an open thread is
Tell us what you think! There will ne more tweaking to come.
- Made some styling changes (pruttier) and reclaimed some space so that there’s more breathing room for text
- More to come, as the design is still a bit too busy and boxy :)
Other stuff
- Quite some work got done on cards from the visual offenses deck. You may not notice it, but Donald Trump has lost some weight!
Bug fixes
- user auto-complete on cards is fixed