You are now able to create cards from within Slack! Just go to your account settings and look for
the Slack Tab. There you’ll be able to connect Codecks with your Slack account. Now every team
member can “Sign in to Slack” via their Codecks profile page to associate their Slack user account
with their Codecks user account. This way they are able to type /addcard [title of card]
in Slack to add a card to their hand.
Moreover you’ll receive notifications about cards being created, started or marked as done. New comments to a card and milestone creations/changes also result in slack messages to a channel of your choice. You can refine which notificaitons you want to receive and disble certain projects from within your Codecks account settings.
Note that the integration is still in Beta. This means some things might not work as expected. Please let us know should you notice something!
Codecks was started about 3 years ago. A lot of time in the fast-paced web development ecosystem. While the core architecture is still very solid, there are some bits that never reached a really happy state. The most noticeable example is how to integrate css within a React app. In the meantime a lot has moved and glamorous has emerged as very powerful library.
How does this affect you? Well, we’ll be revising each and every component starting from A (ActionStrip) down to V (VerifyEmail). This will result in a much more polished and unified UI and will uncover and fix lots of small issues and bugs. This release contains an update for all components starting from A up to the letter D (DeckSelector). Here the most noticable changes:
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