Release v2.0

Jun 27, 2019

Mastering Multiple Projects in Parallel

So much has been improved in this release! To give a you good overview we created a blog post outlining the most important changes.

For you convienience, here’s a quick summary:

  • Don’t treat projects as silos. Instead, allow to select and deselect the project you’d like to work on via the new Mission Control.
  • Deck-less cards now are also project-less and are now fully private to the creator of the card.
  • Activity Feed can now be found as a button next to the deck library, deck inspector and milestone inspector. You may now also view the full activity history.
  • The Mission Control now contains all non-project specific links as well as an overview and warning for your account status
  • you can now order and search cards by their project
  • Lots of UI Changes, like e.g. a new design for the tabs.
  • Personal tags moved from Project settings to your profile
  • Reminders and hints went to different locations (most notably the “new release” announcement is now much less intrusive)
  • lots of performance improvements
  • Source Control Integrations like e.g. Github don’t require to specify a project anymore. Referencing cards now works across all projects.
  • Warn if you’re about to discard cards from your hand that are not in any deck
  • You can now use search within the conversation panel

Breaking Changes:

  • Cards without a deck are now truly private and there is no way for someone else to see their contents. We therefore updated those cards if they were on someone else’s hand, if they had an owner different from the creator or ongoing conversations. We’ll send out an email detailing all the changes if some of your cards were affected.
  • Some project settings are now applied account wide: effort scale, priority labels, snoozing & auto-archiving intervals. We lookged for the most recently changed settings and applied it to your whole organisation. Please double check whether this is what you actually prefer in your organisation settings.
  • Card ids and URLs have changed. Before a card’s id (and thus URL) was specific to a project all starting with 111. We needed to change this to make card ids organisation specific. All references within carsd (via $ID) have been automatically updated. We also will be redirecting old URLs to their new version for the time being.

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