Release v2.10

Sep 2, 2019

Strong Customer Authentication for Payments

To comply with new EU regulations starting on September 14, 2019, we reworked our payment systems. To ensure that all future payments will be accepted by your bank, we removed payment information stored on Stripe and their references on our side. This means that you need to enter your credit card details again, should you apply a new top-up or start a subscription. Existing subscriptions should not be affected.

Your balance and subscription costs are now always shown as net amounts without VAT

In case we’re applying VAT to your invoices (this affects mostly our German customers), we’ve always treated the paid-in VAT as part of your balance. This made the accounting hard on our side and led to strange edge cases. One example: should a non-German EU-Business enter their VAT-ID, they we were eligible for a VAT-free invoice. As our initial gift of 50€ should be treated as a a gift worth 10 person months, we had to change the gift amount along with a customers VAT rate. Any directly paid in money and bonuses should not be affected however. This led to the weird effect of changing your gift-portion of your balance whenever your VAT rate changed.

This is why we decided to simplify the balance system by only showing net amounts. Any VAT paid will show up on your invoices but not in your balance. On the other hand we’ll also only subtract the net amount per user and month from your balance without applying any VAT rates. (I.e. VAT is only considered when you actually pay in money and not when we deduct money from your balance at the end of a billing cycle.)

Should you have any questions feel free to get in touch with!

Pick a deck when creating a card

When you create a card on your hand or a milestone you now are able to select which deck this card should belong to without having to create it first. This should make a lot of workflows a lot simpler. You can still decide to not put it into any deck to create this card as a private card. When creating a card in a deck, you can now also choose to add it to your hand on creation. Check the top right area of the card creation panel to find it!

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