New deck creation flow
When creating (or updating) a deck, you no longer need to drag or find a cover image from your machine. You now can either pick one of our default deck images, or enter the url of an image.
New order property: Creation Date
Allows you to group swim lanes by the card’s creation date. We also made the swim lanes for “Last updated” a bit more helpful when cards have been updated in a long time.
Improvement & Fixes
- Deck & owner history: is now based on the last decks/owner that you have assigned rather than the most frequent within the last 30 days. This suggestions are now also more reliably updated as you use the app.
- File uploads: when hitting size restrictions for files you’re now informed before uploading it all, rather than after the fact. (fyi: the limits for a single file are 10 MB for cover images, and 25 MB for card attachments, we’ll add it to our documentation soon!)
- Drag to hand tab: Now also works from search result overview.
- Time Tracking: Sometimes the timer would seem to continue when stopping work on a card. This should now no longer happen.
- Reordering Decks: Should now be much smoother!
- Order by status: Done cards that are archived, now are part of the “done” column.
- Notification Panel: Fixed a crash that caused a 💥 for some folks.