Release v2.34

May 28, 2020

Journeys are now in Beta!

After working and iterating for a few months, we believe Journeys are now ready to be released!

So what exactly are Journeys you ask? Well, Journeys allow you to define a set of recurring steps for your workflows. Once enabled, you can find a new button in your deck headers (Note: the icon is still based on the working title of this feature “Potion”, we’ll be updating it soon!). With the new Journey view you’re able to define your Journey steps and assign default properties like owner, deck, effort, etc to them. Once your steps are ready, any card within this deck will have a Start Journey button. This will turn the card into a Hero card and create all the Journey’s steps as sub cards.

The Journey view also allows you to create a template card for the deck. This way every card created within this deck has some default properties and content to allow for more consistency. We’re also thinking of deprecating presets in favor of these template cards. So please let us know if there are some use cases we are missing!

As Journeys are still in beta you need to opt in. Go to your Organisation settings and check for the Hero cards & Journeys section at the bottom.

More improvement and fixes

  • Attachments: Allow to pick order of attachments. This preference will be persisted across cards and sessions.
  • Editor: Fixed auto-complete behavior when putting a : behind a word.
  • Discord Integration: Correctly show emoji in card tooltip for commands created without a reaction threshold.
  • Preset Picker: Re-use preset’s content when activating “create another card” option. Also fixed reopening of picker when changing other card properties.
  • Deck Inspector: Move deck description into a open-on-hover pill.
  • Markdown: Fix issue with symbols within link labels.

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