Release v2.45

Oct 29, 2020

Billing update

There are rumors that accountants have feelings too. So we dedicated some time, willing to put a smile on their faces.

  • We’ll now always generate an invoice when your billing cycle ends, even though your balance covers all of it.
  • In July Germany reduced their VAT from 19% to 16% and will go back to 19% in January 2021 (presumably). So if you topped up before July, you’ve basically paid too much VAT and we’ll add the difference to your balance. The opposite will happen should you top up now with VAT rates increasing in the future.

Further Improvements & Fixes

  • Fix blurry font on cards on Chrome 86
  • No more dancing tooltips when you’re mouse hovers the wrong pixel
  • No more crash when you’re trying to upload a file which is larger than your plans limit (10MB for free accounts, 25MB for the Pro plan)
  • No more crash when you’re logging out
  • You can revoke access from the GitHub integration, allowing to access it with a different user

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