Visitor stats for your Open Decks
The Open Deck settings screen now contains charts and counts for your visitors to your project. We also show you the top referrers so you know how people are finding you.
To keep track of your progress, we’ll be sending a weekly digest every Monday to give you a visitor overview of the passed week. Feel free to opt out in the Open Deck settings.
Discord Integration Updates
- You’re now able to mark community suggestions with a reaction (e.g. 🚫). This will mark the underlying message as removed. I.e. this message won’t create a card when upvoted or if already upvoted beyond the threshold, it will auto-archive the card. It also prevent this message from showing up in leaderboards.
- We overhauled the UI so it doesn’t get too overwhelming when you’ve connected multiple servers or set up a lot of commands.
- added
shortcode for better integration with Open Decks.
More improvement and fixes
- Conversations: We added more states to the conversation icons on mini cards: when there’s a conversation with an undismissed conversation, the bubble will be green. If there’s a snoozing conversation, the bubble will get a snooze-colored (a.k.a. purple) border.
- Text editor: Fix issue when hitting enter wouldn’t scroll to the very bottom of the editor
- User settings: Added an option to disable showing animated gifs.
- Drag and Drop: You can now drag cards to the milestone tab in the header to assign them to a milestone.
- Drag and Drop: Fix drag and dropping files on Firefox.
- Time tracking Report: Adding the deck of a card to the report and csv.
- …and several further smaller fixes