Release v2.56

Jul 27, 2021

Improvements for Hand v2

We think the concepts for the new Hand v2 are fairly unique, so we figured it’s time to make it look unique as well 💄 In addition, we’ve reworked the process for adding a card to the hand from within a deck or milestone. Rather than directly appending a card to a hand, we’re opening an overlay showing the person’s hand, allowing to reorganize it and dragging the opened card into the right place. We’ve also changed the look of the activity feed in the hand to accommodate for the dark background as well as come up with new way to present inaccessible cards 🕵️‍♀️.

Further fixes and improvements

  • Steamy: We’re now also showing the reviewer’s playtime when posting a review.
  • Text editor: Support for Browser-based spell check. You can disable it from your user profile.
  • Time tracking: Hero Cards now show the accumulated time of the card itself and all their sub cards. The history panel and hover info over the ⏱ icon will show the tracked time on sub cards vs the hero card itself. The vertical “micro cards” in the sub card side panel now also contains the ⏱ icon if time was tracked.
  • Attachments: The download button should now start a download rather than opening the file in a new tab.
  • Open Decks: The updated layout is now applied to all open decks.
  • Automatic filtering: When looking at big decks or milestones, an automatic “me” filter is applied to prevent being overwhelmed. The user profile now allows to change the card count threshold or disabling this behavior altogether.
  • Mission control: Restyled the project tiles to make them look more draggable.
  • Search: You can now filter cards by their Discord upvote count.
  • Snoozing cards: Cards only get unsnoozed if a user actively unsnoozes it. Changing any property of a snoozing card no longer automatically unsnoozes it.
  • Slack integration: fixed the “Create a card” action for the action dropdown on messages.

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