Release v2.57

Aug 6, 2021

Automatic Project Tags and Emojis

You are now able to set an “Auto project tag” for your decks. This means all cards within this deck will receive this tag. Removing a card from this deck removes the tag. Look for the 🤖 within your deck’s header to set it up!

In addition we now allow you to decorate project tags with emojis (not just colors)! Every card containing this tag will display this emoji in front of their title.

Combining these features allows for some powerful stuff: You can decorate your #bug project tag with the 🐞 emoji and use this tag as an “Auto project tag” for your “Bugs” deck. Now every bug card will contain a 🐞 next to their title and can be easily spotted. This feature will also help to keep an overview of your cards when you have lots of different projects. Applying different emojis to decks in you various projects will make it much clearer where a card belongs to.

Further fixes and improvements

  • Hero Cards: Hero cards can now have their own effort. The effort shown on the card will be the sum of the hero card’s own effort plus their sub cards total effort. This feature can be useful in case you’re working with Hero Cards as User Stories and want to apply effort only to the User Story rather than the sub tasks.
  • Project Settings: reworked the UI of the project tag settings page.
  • Android: Disabled spellchecker as it led to annoying glitches in the editor.

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