Release v2.59

Sep 17, 2021

Clone Projects to other Organizations

Settings containing clone project panel

Maybe you have multiple organization accounts with different projects but you would prefer to have one central organization account instead. Or maybe your student team started as part of your university organization but now you would like to promote your project to run in your own company account instead.

That’s easily possible now: through the organization settings you may now clone projects from one organization to another.

Cloned projects will retain all original information such as card history, activity feed, comments, attachments and once you enable your team members in the new organization, they can continue where they just left off.

Note that notifications, bookmarks and hand information won’t be transferred though.

Oh, and you’re also able to clone projects into the same organization. This might open up some interesting use cases around template projects.

Further fixes

  • You can declare notification bankruptcy once again.
  • Fix broken layout when entering looong words in card creation panel.
  • Codecks mails now have a white background in Outlook as well.
  • Improve spacing for nested lists and fixed behavior for checkbox entries with complex contents like nested lists or quotes.

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