Due Dates

This has been our number one feature request for quite some time, now it’s finally here: Due Dates! You can now assign individual due dates to any card to make sure that you never forget about a deadline again.
Due dates are fully integrated into various Codecks systems:
- Find all your and your team’s due cards from the Hand via a new tab
- Get notified about all due cards on the day they become due
- Use the new timeline view to see all your due cards next to your organization’s milestones
- Group your cards by due date and search for them
- Use our bulk action bar to set the due date for multiple cards at once
- You have to be on the Pro plan to use due dates
Find out more about Due Dates in the Manual or in this video:

Multi-Dimensional Card Sorting

Our sorting system has received some long-requested improvements to become truly stellar:
- Use
ctrl/cmd + click
to add additional sorting criteria and have more control of the exact sorting that you want to use
- Cards within swimlanes are now sorted by the primary sorting order (before they were always sorted by priority)
- You can now order by card title as well
- Use the compact mode toggle to skip the grouping and see all the cards right next to each other.
As before, your sorting preferences are stored on a deck and on a milestone level.
We’ve also created a manual entry and a video for you to enjoy:

Further updates
- Media library: The file overview now supports large files collections with more than 3000 files.
- Decky: Images uploaded via slash commands are now hosted on our servers as Discord tended to be unreliable here. No more “unavailable images”!
- Decky: Discord user mentions are now shown correctly in Codecks card messages.
- Time tracking: allow input such as
or 2 hours 20 mins
when entering custom times.
- Hand Overlay: The Hand overlay will always show a tab for your own hand too.
- Images: support for animated webp images
- Conversation Panel: Comment field now only auto-focus when a new thread is being started by the user