Permission to Manage

v2.72 - Oct 17, 2022

Permission to Manage

As your team grows, you will need finer user access control options. This release features a big extension of user role management.

New Permission System

  • Staff users access can now be limited to specific projects. The old Guest role has been removed as Staff covers the same functionality now.
  • Staff users can be promoted to a new Producer role for specific projects. Producers may manage decks, milestones, project users and integrations. Think of this as a project-specific admin role. Producers are available on the Pro plan and can be added in a new section of the project settings called “User Access”.
  • Admins can now choose to limit the Staff role from creating and manage decks, milestones and journeys.
  • Access for projects can be set as Full Team or Limited. The Limited setting is available on the Pro plan. All organizations created before this release have access to this setting as well.
  • A new Owner role was introduced. There may only be one Owner and only they are able to close an organization.

Here is an overview of the most important permission changes:

Permission Matrix

To learn more about the user management system please read our manual.

How we’ve migrated the existing roles to the new system

  • All members with the new Staff role have the same project access as before. Guests have been automatically converted to the new Staff role.
  • The Admin user who has been member of the organization for the longest has been turned into an Owner.
  • Projects in which at least one team member did not have access have been set to Limited. All others have Full Team access.
  • The Staff role is set to Full Permissions, meaning they can still manage decks, milestones and journeys like before.

Further fixes and improvements

  • Multi Card Selection: Changed the selection icon so it looks less related to the done interaction.
  • User Reports: Email addresses from User Reports will be shown in the created card, so that you can easily follow-up in case you have questions. (It won’t be accessible for visitors of public projects of course!)
  • User Reports: Fixed CORS issue for User Reports in Unity WEBGL-based builds or other browser-based environments.
  • GitHub integration & others: Duplicate commits are no longer added to cards (e.g. when a branch was merged).
  • Bookmarking: Use . as shortcut for bookmarking cards. This shortcut can be applied when hovering over a minicard, when looking at a opened card and when using the multi-select feature. To view a list of all available shortcuts in your current screen press ? on your keyboard.
  • Tags: Personal tags using special characters now are highlighted properly within the card. Personal tags can consist of any (unicode) letter, -,_ and .
  • Card content: Card references ($123) followed by punctuation are now correctly recognised.
  • Milestone overview: Milestones containing public projects have been shown to all users (they were only able to see the cards of the public projects though). Now theses milestones are only shown if team members were given explicit access to at least one project.
  • Sub card overview: Moving or removing sub cards no longer removes filtered out sub cards from the Hero card.
  • Sub card overview: When clicking on the conversation bubble or the attachment icon in the sub card list, the card will show with the corresponding side panel opened.
  • Fixed a crash when opening the history panel of a Journey Step.

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