In our quest to enhance your writing experience, we’ve completely rewritten our text editor. This allows us to bring you a bouquet of new features.
Our smarter completions for lists or block quotes will save you time, and the ability to indent with tab
/ shift + tab
makes structuring your thoughts a lot easier. The new monospaced font offers more clarity in recognizing indentation levels, too. We’ve also added slash commands (type /
) and a floating action bar, to make our editor and markdown features more discoverable.
When crafting, reading, or editing your cards, why not do so without distractions? With our new full screen Focus Mode, that’s exactly what you can do. To make room for the new focus button on top of cards, we’ve shifted the card Id button to the lower left corner. Enjoy a zen-like experience as you work on your cards.
Previously, the onboarding progress was associated solely with an organization and was only visible to the organization’s owner. Now admins can also participate in most onboarding steps, making the process more inclusive. A cherry on top - if you complete onboarding steps in one organization, they will count as completed in other organizations too!
To ensure you have a seamless experience, we’ve made several key improvements:
shortcut to promptly dismiss conversation notifications for an opened card.Enjoy these updates and let us know your thoughts. Your feedback fuels our improvements.
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