Milestone Mania

v2.84 - Jun 7, 2024

Release v2.84

In this release, we focused on improvements for milestones and for tracking work. This is part of a bigger initiative to improve big-picture planning and tracking within Codecks. We’re excited to bring you more tools to plan your project from start to finish.


New Milestone View

New Timeline

The milestones tab now features a redesigned, sleek, dark-themed area. We’ve switched to a week-based timeline scale so you can see more upcoming milestones at once. Calendar and milestone overviews are now easily accessible via two new buttons in the top right corner and appear as overlays. The calendar sidebar now also displays week numbers.

Capacity Tracking

Capacity tracking view

Milestones now feature a capacity tracking widget which you can access from the milestone sidebar. The widget shows how work is distributed across your teammates. You can also set the individual capacity of each team member to highlight members that might be overbooked or out of work. The milestone header also shows your individual capacity at a quick glance.

Milestone Info

New Milestone stats

We’ve revamped the milestone info you see when hovering over a milestone icon or in the milestone sidebar. We got rid of the confusing and hard to find card-based or effort-based counting toggle. The new milestone info combines the best of both worlds: card icons show individual card counts per type, and an expanded horizontal bar shows total progress based on card effort, including blocked, reviewed, done, and other cards. The bar also shows current team velocity and overall milestone progress. We also updated the burn-up chart styling for better readability. A new organization setting was introduced which allows to pick a fallback effort for cards with no explicit effort.

New Milestone Icons

New milestone icons make it easier to distinguish between past and upcoming milestones. Past milestones now only have an outline while upcoming ones are filled.

Activity Stream

We added activity streams to the milestone and deck sidebars, keeping you up-to-date with current events without having to switch into a different view. To see the full activity stream - including the ability to filter for certain activity types - you can jump into the full activity stream view as previously. We also redesigned the activity items to make them a bit more compact and quicker to read.

Soon to come

We’re putting the final touches on our upcoming support for sprints. Since a card can be assigned to a sprint and milestone at the same time, this will also improve long-term planning in Codecks, allowing you to have recurring sprints while tracking overall progress towards a release goal. You can expect this update very soon.

Property Panel

New Property Panel

The property panel has a new, modern look. The milestone picker is now a list, showing more of the milestone name and target date. Not seeing the right milestone in the list? Just click the ‘pick’ button to open the new milestone selection. The new menu can also be quickly navigated using the keyboard, allowing access to previous milestones and other card properties.

Hero Cards

Previously, hero cards were automatically set to done once all the sub cards were done. This was not always the desired design. Even worse, a hero card that went into done without anybody noticing, could result in the hero card being auto-archived and seemingly disappearing. Some users avoided this behavior by adding placeholder sub cards.

Instead, hero cards will now never be automatically set to done. To set a hero card to done, use the new done button, which can be pressed once all the sub cards are done or archived.

Table Mode

We improved the readability of the table mode, by tweaking font sizes and reworking how hero card titles are condensed. Additionally, the table columns will now automatically adapt to your view pane, dropping columns to maintain readability if necessary. We also added the ‘quick add’ feature to more sorting options of the table view. Table view is a pro feature.

Further Fixes and Improvements

  • Card cover editor: Sub cards correctly inherit card cover settings from parent card.
  • Deck Selector: Groups decks by both, projects and spaces.
  • Browser Autocomplete: Forms should trigger less browser autocomplete prompts.
  • Decky: Images of feedback entries are embedded directly into the message (instead of the embed tile) to avoid having those images being deleted by Discord’s cache.
  • Image Uploads: Fix duplicate uploads in Chrome when pasting an image.
  • Auto Tags: Fix auto tag issue when moving a deck across projects.

Let us know what you think about the release, and let your friends and peers know about Codecks. This is the best support that we can get towards building the best project platform for game devs.

Danke schön! With love from Berlin.

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