Beast Cards
Sometimes Cards may roll over from Run to Run without ever getting the attention they need. Often this points to an underlying issue like missing information, unclear assignment or lacking resources. Among many Cards in a Run, it is easy to overlook these.

To help you identify these cases, we’re introducing our new Beast Mode system for teams on our Pro
plan! Once you enable Beast Mode, Cards that don’t reach completion by the end of a Run, will be highlighted with a new Beast Level marker. A Beast Level increases every time a Card misses its target of being done by the end of a Run.
You can customize how the Beast Mode works by clicking the new Beast icon on the header bar of each Run:

- To start tracking Beast Levels for Card, enable Beast Mode for the respective Run. This will track completion and level up the Beast Level for any Card that remains undone at the end of the Run, or is moved out during its duration.
- You can automatically enable Beast Mode after a preset amount of time. This allows your team to have a planning phase to finalize the scope of the Run before committing to the contained Cards.
- Cards added during a Run receive a ‘NEW’ marker. This helps you track scope changes during your Run. While a Card displays this NEW marker, it can still be moved away from the Run without increasing its Beast level. You can customize the length of this grace period in the Beast Mode settings. Once the grace period has passed, the NEW marker is removed, and the Card is considered as committed to being done within this Run, similar to any Card added earlier.
This is a new feature we’ve successfully tested internally to better identify those annoying stalling Cards that aren’t making progress repeatedly. This allowed us to reassess these Cards, fill in missing information and clear up confusion. We’ve also added sorting and searching options to quickly find Beast Cards.
Having the Beast level tied to a Card may feel a bit direct, so we’re looking for your feedback regarding how these feel. We believe this feature can help bring attention to Cards that need more support and ultimately improve progress in a playful way — just as you know us. Now go ahead and squash those Beasts before they level up further!
More information can be found in our Manual.
More Run Updates

- Set an explicit Start Date: You can now pick a future start date when setting up new Runs, instead of having to start them within the next week.
- User Capacities: When editing a user’s capacity, a Tooltip will now show a historic workload for that user.
- Stats: The time tracking summary will include only time tracking entries that happened within that Run. So if a Card was started in Run A and later moved to Run B, Run A’s stats will now include the stats for that Card.
- Stat Overview: We’ve extended this sidebar’s functionality by using the Run’s stats at the time it ended where available. We’ve also added hover interactions showing precise numbers for the priority and owner bars. Opening that sidebar now also jumps to the currently running Run.
Further Improvements

- Tag Descriptions: We added the ability to add descriptions to Project Tags, allowing you to document their usage more easily. We also reworked the tag editor to be more user-friendly.
- Conversations: We’ve added new slash commands to conversations to quickly comment and then opt out, close, or finish a review in just one step and without using the mouse.
- Dragging Cards: We improved the look and feel for empty drop zones, making interactions more intuitive.
- Journeys: The Journey Editor now opens in an overlay, streamlining the editing experience.
- Hand: Hero Cards can now be added to your Hand.
- Timeline: Should now be much less jumpy when opening another Run or Milestone
- User Profile: Added option “Enable Quick Edit”. Disabling it prevents opening the edit view when clicking on the card content.
- Milestone & Run Stats: Fixed an issue with time zones east of GMT showing data from the wrong day.
- Authentication: Fixed issues with Google and Discord authentication on Safari.