Search & Order

Searching on Codecks is an extremely useful functionality that you will want to use often. Our interactive search widget allows you to combine even complex search queries.

Save common searches

If you often conduct the same searches, you can save your queries for easy retrieval. By default, Codecks has the my cards saved search so that you can easily retrieve all cards you own.

No need to switch contexts when searching

If you hit enter on a search result, Codecks will apply that as a filter (green pill) on your current context (e.g. your entire project, or your currently opened deck). This is a great way to narrow down your view on a temporary basis, and once you’re done, you can dismiss the pill to return to an unfiltered view.

Group cards in swim lanes

Whenever you see a group of cards you'll be able to order them by various kinds of categories. This allows you to model a kanban work flow, show cards of the current sprint or separate high priority cards from the rest.

Works great in combination with search

Want to see all your cards and group them by milestone? Find all high prio cards and see who owns them? Combining search and ordering allows you to see your project from a big variety of perspectives.

Drag and drop support

Most swimlanes can be used for drag and drop interactions to allow to quickly change priority, owner, milestone and much more. Multi-select support allows you to drag multiple cards as well.
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